NAFA #16
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Front Cover: The fabulous Sheridyn Fisher loves her fishing. She hauled aboard this double-header golden snapper and black-tip reef shark with help from gun deckie, Glen Cowling. (Photo by AJ)
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Table of Contents - NAFA Fishing Magazine
24 Starlo’s Hits and Misses
In this issue, Steve Starling has a look at some of the fishing fads and fashions that have come and gone, and also some of the ones that are here to stay. Not everyone will agree with his selections, but ultimately it is the market that decides.
85 DIY Fillet Bench
Glen “The Tool Man” Booth knocks up a cheap and cheerful fillet bench, or ‘Fish Processing Plant’ as he prefers to call it!
102 Mangrove Creeks
Mangrove creeks may look insignificant but can be chock-a-block full of fish. Ken Stien shows you how to tackle these smaller systems to your best advantage.
120 Lizard Lies
Fishing for flathead is a favourite pastime for many families. Steve Starling has a look at where the lizards like to hang out, and gives a few pointers on finding them.
30 South Australia’s Wild West
Dreaming of deserted beaches with great scenery and fantastic fishing? Shane Murton reckons that South Australia’s west coast is just such a place.
36 Cod Journey
Steve Cooper reminisces about some of the personal milestones that mark the twists and turns of his cod journey.
40 Reddy, Set, Go!
Usually there’s very little positive that can be said about introduced fish species in Australia, but Brett Geddes has found that the redfin are an excellent table fish. So do the eco-system a favour and go out and catch, but not release, them!
44 A-Z of Gamefishing
NAFA’s Gamefishing guru Glen Booth gives a comprehensive run-down of everything you need to know about the exciting world of gamefishing.
50 I want to catch a…
Glen Booth continues the series, and looks at four more desirable gamefish, and how to go about catching them.
50 I want to catch a Cobia
52 I want to catch a Dogtooth Tuna
54 I want to catch a Giant Trevally
56 I want to catch a Spanish Mackerel
58 No Substitute for Cubes
Al McGlashan reckons there are few techniques more deadly on tuna than cubing. Here he gives a few pointers to get you out and into the big ones.
63 Satellite Tagging Marlin
NSW Fisheries has the largest bluewater fish tracking program in the world. The advent of pop-up archival tags has divulged fascinating new information for both anglers and scientists.
67 Travelling Tackle
Glen Booth has spent so much time on the water he has got packing for fishing trips, whether long or short, down to a fine art. Here he shares some of his handy travel hints.
74 Beach Yourself
Surf fishing remains one of the most popular forms of angling in Australia. Andrew McGovern explores the pristine coastline of southern NSW from Ulladulla to the Victorian border.
77 Seductive Silver Ghosts
Mulloway have an extensive range of habitat where they might be found. However Lee Rayner has discovered that targeting them around estuaries can prove the most successful, and has a few ideas about how to do it.
80 Snapper - From Bait to Plastics
Scott Amon has been at the cutting edge of soft plastics fishing for snapper right from the start. Since he started to his journey from bait to lures, he’s learned a lot about catching these bump-headed beauties, and is techniques are applicable to many species right around the country.
89 Mojitos, Chevs & Tarpon Toads
Dave Donald found that altough Cuba is a hard place to get to, flicking a fly at the huge, uneducated tarpon that live there is well worth the effort.
94 Curse of the Big Snook
Kim Bain visits some USA barra look-a-likes and attempts to break her curse with a big Treasure Coast snook.
97 Redfishing in the USA
The innovative redfish tournaments from the States may provide some valuable pointers to local tournament organisers over here. Kim Bain investigates, while successfully competing herself.
106 Capricornia
AJ shot our stunning pictorial offshore from Darwin and features the gorgeous Sheridyn Fisher. Not just a pretty face, Sheridyn’s also a keen fisher girl and managed to catch a couple of beauties herself.
128 Unforgettable Fraser Island
The largest sand island in the world is also a fantastic spot for fishing, as Leeann Payne explains in her guide to Fraser Island.
132 Rattling Jacks
Nigel Webster follows a theory of ‘the noisier the better’ when trying to attract a pugnacious mangrove jack. It makes sense that they love nothing better than a well-presented rattling lure.
135 Old Habits Die Hard
While Queensland’s impoundment scene attracts a lot of attention, Matt McArthur reveals a thriving inland fishery that has a lot to offer. A visit with some old fishing mates turns up quality sooties and ‘toga.
139 14 Day Castaway
In the last issue of NAFA, Dave Rae gave us the rundown on the Capricornia Cays. He can’t stay away from this idyllic spot, and this NAFA sees him undertaking a return visit for a 2 week family holiday.
143 Fishing Across the Divide
Dick Eussen finds some top barra fishing and wonderful wilderness when he visits Kowanyama in the Gulf country.
145 Jetty Junkies
Long before Kim Courtenay discovered the joys of kayak fishing, he could be found skulking around underneath the Broome jetty, battling the local barra and jewies.
150 Kimberley Kayaking
Gregg Davey from Kimberley Kayak Fishing shares a few of his wonderful images from this pristine part of Australia.
195 4WD Fishing Expedition
Setting off on an extended fishing trip is as Australian as a meat pie with sauce, but there are a few traps for the unwary. Dick Eussen knows all about getting off the beaten track in comfort, so have a read and start planning.
202 Oh what A Feeling
Kim Courtenay sets off from Broome in his Prado, and rediscovers the joys of the wide open road.
212 Landcruiser 200 VX Test
AJ wasted no time in getting off the beaten track when he was handed the keys to a new Landcruiser 200 VX, and soon found that the new model is a serious offroad machine.
162 The Mysterious East
Chris Errity is rumoured to be half man half fish, and his knowledge of the mighty barra is second-to-none. In this NAFA he continues his series of guides to legendary barra spots, and takes readers on a guided tour of the East
Alligator River.
172 Paradise Found
Out from the mouth of the McArthur River lies the Sir Edward Pellew Group of islands. NAFA reader Trevor Mack and his mates planned an expedition to the area, and found sensational fishing in a wild wilderness setting.
177 Get Your Motor Running...
And head out on the highway with Dick Eussen - the Barra Highway that is! Heading east from Darwin along the Arnhem Highway will get you to some of the best barra spots in Australia, and all on one exceptionally fishy piece of road.
188 Fishing North Australia Pictorial
Filming for the latest series of Fishing North Australia took AJ right across the Top End, discovering stunning scenery and explosive fishing.
218 Choosing a Boat
Warren Steptoe has been in a lot of boats over the years, and holds some strong opinions on boat design. In this article he looks at casting decks, cabins and rod storage, and offers a few pointers on making the right choice.
232 Darwin Comes of Age
The Darwin Boat Show is going from strength to strength now that it has a great new indoor venue.
247 Sleeping With Your Boat
The fishing options available to anglers who are prepared to overnight at their chosen location are greatly increased. Warren Steptoe looks into the sort of gear you might need for overnight (or longer) excursions.
254 Yak Be Nimble
Neil Schultz tries out the latest innovative pedal-powered kayaks. You can find him cruising around the impoundments with rod in hand, while letting his feet do the work!
222 OceanMaster 551
Dave Krantz has a look at a purpose-built barra boat from Darwin’s Territory Marine.
234 Haines Hunter
Haines Hunter has a reputation for producing some of the best bluewater boats around. Dave Krantz spent a bit of time in a few different Haines Hunter boats, and there’s a model for every situation.
238 Tracker & Suntracker
Dave Krantz checks out a couple of quite different boats, a Tracker bass boat with all the fruit and the versatile and fun Fishin’ Barge from Suntracker.
251 Quintrex 470 Top Ender Test
A nifty little side-console from Quintrex, reviewed by Warren Steptoe.
258 Stacer 469 Nomad Elite Test
The 469 Nomad Elite from Stacer, reviewed by
Warren Steptoe.