I generally write this column on a Tuesday, and today the wind is blowing yet
It’s not as strong as it was last weekend when most anglers, particularly the
offshore variety, stayed well away from the water.
I played golf last Sunday and a couple of times our golf balls were blown off the
The good news is that this weekend, finally, the Build-up is kicking in and there
should be some glass-off conditions both days.
Add to this the neap tides falling this weekend, and it should be an absolute
delight out on the blue.
This will be a weekend when you can travel a long way offshore.
No doubt plenty of trailer boats will be heading to the farthest out gas pipeline
spots… all those red-coloured fish won’t know what hit them.
It’s interesting that, according to the Top End Billfish Series Facebook page four
days ago, the forecast for this weekend was very windy conditions offshore.
What a relief then that the latest forecast is so favourable for the billfish
competition this weekend.
September is usually a good month for the Billfish Series round.
With the great forecast conditions, a few boats might head over to Bathurst
Island to fish the Bathurst Trench and surrounds.
No doubt the waters wide of Dundee will get a hammering, and it should be
fun with clear blue seas.
This could also be a good weekend to give any of the four concrete artificial
reefs a shot.
By all accounts, they’re all loaded with fish.
No one can tell me if Valeris, the offshore oil rig, is still in close proximity to
It’s 80km out and mackerel are jumping all over it, even at night.
This weekend would be perfect for a run out there.
According to Ron Voukolos from Fishing and Outdoor World, there are plenty
of mackerel at No 6 Buoy which should fish well on these neap tides.
“Barra fishing has stayed good this year too,” Ron said.
“The Wiltshires, the Finniss and the Daly coast are all still fishing well for barra.
“I went down the Daly coast for a mate’s 50 th and we caught some nice fish.
“Shoal Bay has been good for those who know how to fish it.
“A couple of bends up King Creek and up inside the Little Howard have been
audible whispers.
“I also heard that Shady fresh is fishing well, and there are a bunch of small
barra in Yellow Water.
“Four Mile hole is still fishing good but the road in is pretty ordinary,” Ron
This weekend beckons a night fishing session at Corroboree or elsewhere
It should be warmer with the winds abating so much and that might ignite
some passion in the bigger billabong barra.
Emma Harvey and Kelli Carroll in Team Silver Caviar were Champion
Runner-up team in the recent Secret Women’s Business Barra Challenge,
just one point behind the winners.

Jess Walker with her beaut Corroboree barra from the SWB Barra