CLASSIC 120 REACHES NEW DEPTHS The Classic 120 is the flagship model of the ever-popular Classic Lures’ range. Having grown over the past few years from being one of the best barra lures on the market to being a must-have in every tackle box, the Classic 120 is now available in a 20 foot plus version. This ultra-deep diver will get right down into those holes and rock bars and dredge up deep holding fish. Early trials on a number of the Territory’s larger river systems, and at this year's Barra Classic, have proven promising. Barra to 115 centimetres, along with a handful of big threadies, are finding this deep running rattler too good to resist. If you fish in areas where deep divers are essential, check out the new Classic 120 20+, and get down to where the fish are! It’s available in all 31 Classic Lures’ colour patterns.
NEW COLOURS FOR CLASSIC PRO-ALTERNATIVE The Classic 120 Pro-Alternative is a quiet achiever amongst the various lures in the Classic range. This is the only thing quiet about it though, as this lure has the loudest rattle found in any lure! The extra wide body of the Pro-Alternative casts a massive profile and gives it a wicked action, and the super loud rattle makes it easier for barra to track in dirty water or at night. This lure has been popular with anglers fishing both impoundments and rivers, particularly when other lures are failing to perform. Due to high demand, the Pro-Alternative is now available in two new colours, #08 Qantas and #37 Grey Ghost. Already producing some impressive catches throughout north Queensland and the NT, these new colours only serve to make the Pro-Alternative an even more deadly weapon. It is available in 8+ and 12+ versions from selected Pro Dealers only.