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Plano 3700 Guide Series

The latest Plano 3700 Guide Series tackle bag from JM Gillies recently received the coveted Best of Show Award for the “Tackle Management” category at the Australian Fishing Tackle Trade Show. The new Plano Guide Series features 3 externally-accessible zippered pockets and a special lid moulding to hold a 3700 size Plano tackle tray that also forms the top access flap. There are three side compartments, one full length on the front and one semi-firm clamshell style at each end. The end pockets are compartmentalised with purpose-designed gussets and on one end is a nifty sleeve-style pocket for a pair of pliers and at the other a blind zippered compartment for documents such as fishing licences. At the rear is a mesh net with bungee drawstrings that could serve to secure a rain jacket or the like. The Plano’s base is made from hard-wearing, solid, heavy duty plastic-type material that provides for a waterproof barrier if sitting on a wet deck. The Plano 3700 is able to hold six 3700 Pro-latch Stowaway trays on end for easy selection and extraction. The cleverly designed top is moulded in such a way that another 3700 tray can sit externally to house everyday essentials that are required regularly. While in transit, the top box is secured by a quick release bungee cord.


Copyright NAFA 2020

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